Shadow Boards &
Information Boards

Shadow Boards & Information Boards

Put “a place for everything and everything in its place” into practice
Shadow boards | Cleaning Stations | Tool Boards | Information Boards

Shadow boards are mostly found in manufacturing, production and services environments.

Commonly used to house hygiene cleaning, tools, workshop equipment and cleaning products. This vital storage solution is used by a range of industries, including food and beverage, manufacturing, maintenance and engineering.

Shadow boards help your business to stay organised and safe.

Shadow boards are crucial to 5s:

These boards play an important role in the 5s lean management workplace programme .

5S is a basic fundamental systematic approach for productivity, quality and safety improvement in all types of business.

  • Sort
  • Set in order
  • Shine
  • Standardise
  • Sustain.

Colour coded shadow boards can improve operational results.

Visual Information Boards

Visual Information Boards range from a basic printed information board or a complete workstation, including holders, snap frames, letterbox holders, mechanisms and much more .

  • Site Maps
  • Health and safety Information
  • Continious improvement

These can be provided in dry wipe, non dry wipe and are designed to be wall fixed.

Custom designed boards can be colour coded and logo branding applied, each board is individually designed for application.

Lean Farming

Farm Map Boards

Farm Map Boards printed on aluminium for wall mounting can be dry wipe for marking paddocks. They also comes with a notes area and a daily chart for organisation.

Each board is custom designed as requested.

Paddock Numbering Signage

A useful tool for layout and planning of farm paddocks, or for use when contractors are carrying out services on the farm.

Engraved in 3mm outdoor grade material.